Mia Nichelle is...

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Princess Mia: Pirate Sisters (aka the other side of the princesses)

Hi this is mia I hope you like it but we are the pirate girl' s and

Daddy is a pirate dad and we are funny one' s

We like to be funny [Hahaha] I' m saying [ little one I need something to eat go get me something to eat] -Mia runs off to eat snack-

This is a Japanese thing. -Mum


What a cutie!

What handsome pirates I have! -Mum


Anonymous said...

They try so hard to be princesses but every now and then you just have to be yourself!

Babylove said...

You can't hide a pirate under a princess dress, The jig is up Chia!! :) They all look crazy cute!

Anonymous said...

LOL! They had a lot of fun with this dress up theme, although it was a big deal for Chia (at first) to have facial hair drawn on her face. She wanted to be a "Princess Pirate" but I had to tell her it wouldn't really work. They really got into it I'll have to upload the video clips sometime.

our family said...

So cute! I really like how they have their own blog. Great idea!