Mia Nichelle is...

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Chia Marina is...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Amelie Christine is

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Alisa Oceana is

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mum's post: Oodles of buttons

Chia needed a button sewn on her fave jean skirt so we pulled out the button jar to find one that would fit & Amelie promptly emptied the contents onto the floor.
Chia helped me find the right button but helping me sew was out of the question -who has time for sewing where there are oodles of buttons begging to be shot across the floor?
I needed something to keep them busy while I worked and this was the result:

Materials needed:
3 pieces of card stock
Thick marker

Write a size at the top of the card stock.
Draw circles for your buttons (as you can see I was in a HURRY and the sizing is not quite right, but hey, it took less than 5 mins & they LOVED it!)
Let your kids play with them.

The girls played with these for a looooooooooong time (20 mins) and didn't want to pack up for lunch (we ate late that day!). Later we added a "medium" page as Chia noted that some buttons weren't small or big.

Chia's photos!
Yep, her first time to use a camera alone & she went camera crazy! Here is our *tidy-perfectly organised* room as seen through the eyes of "T".
I give you our room:
(*note the nice box of stuff-we-need-to-get-out-of here which always ends up mixed with where-is-my-fave-stuffed animal/doll/car/princess dress/shoes?)


"SMILE MUMMY!" ....Runs off to find the next victim
Not bad T, it's in focus!

I love this one, it has an artsy feel to it.

Trying to get close up & focus

Still trying...


"I DID it mummy! Can I SEE!!"
Good job T, in focus again!

1 comment:

Lei said...

Nice photos, Chia. I hope we can see you soon! --Ray (Tomorrow is my birthday.)