Mia Nichelle is...

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Chia Marina is...

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Amelie Christine is

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Christmas Open House

Every year we have held an "Open house" around Christmas time for our friends and neighbours. Here are a few photos from this year.

Mia, Celeste & Grace getting ready for the musical

All dolled up

Here is Jun-kun, one of Mia's friends. This photo shows his one side of his personality, which keeps everyone around him entertained.


Jun-kun & Yuya

Oodles of cakes and cookies

Some of my friends

Chia wore her favourite shirt and skirt (purple with a sequin heart, & pink with white polka dots)

Another friend

Iven explaining our work in Cambodia

Amelie posing with a pouty face

Dawn & Kiyona with some friends

Lee & Yuya had the audience chuckling

The audience

Mia & Jun-kun

I like this photo cos you can see Mia poking her head out, she's not supposed to be there, but she's checking on Yuya to make sure he's not hurt for real. :)

Mia as she exits the stage.

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