We have't posted for a while 'cos we were busy preparing for Mia's entrance to public school. She will be attending for the month of April.
On Monday I went to my nyuugakushiki at Toneri shogakko. We dressed up and sat there for a long time while some people talked.
The Gym
On Monday I went to my nyuugakushiki at Toneri shogakko. We dressed up and sat there for a long time while some people talked.
The ceremony started at 1:00pm and ended at 3:00 pm. The 1st graders had to stay most of the time and they did pretty good.
Then some of our friends joined us. The lady in the white suit is Yasuko & the boy next to her is Koga. They are our friends and we visit them and play with them. I like to play with them, she is so, so, so, so funny and it's lots of fun to play with them. The 4 girls in the front are all the same age & they are in 6th grade.
(Mum: We've known Yasuko for a few years and when I asked her what one should wear to a nyuugakushiki she explained in detail, showed me her suit and then when she heard I didn't yet have something to wear, insisted that I borrow one of hers, right down to the pearl jewelry. So very kind of her.)
Next post: Pika pika no ichinensei
Hey! I didn't know this! So cool! It's kinda funny to see you three in totally typical Japanese Nyugakushiki...!
How is Mia doing so far? Anyway GBY!
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