Oh no, I'm 6 months pregnant, and it's a girl. We took Mia to the check up and ust found out that it's a girl. Mia was really hoping for a boy, and was a little dissapointed at first, but afterwards she kept talking about how much she loves the little baby and is now looking forward to the day when the 3 of them will all be dressed in matching clothes and dancing together. :)
Oh no, I'm 6 months pregnant, and it's a girl. We took Mia to the check up and ust found out that it's a girl. Mia was really hoping for a boy, and was a little dissapointed at first, but afterwards she kept talking about how much she loves the little baby and is now looking forward to the day when the 3 of them will all be dressed in matching clothes and dancing together. :)
To Mia:qwertyasdfjkl
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