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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Princess Chia: Family Day

This is about our Family Day last week. In the morning we had inspiration with Daddy & then we went off the park, where we witnessed to some ladies and their kids who have a mothers activity circle that they want us to come to next week. We came home and had pasta for lunch, then did some painting in the afternoon.

We're learning a dance to "I like to be a Christmas tree" and we painted our trees that Daddy cut out. It was lots of fun!

Here I'm admiring a manger scene that Mia made out of a tea box. I like singing "Baby Jesus Went to Sleep" as I look at it.

Later we watched Winnie the Pooh and after dinner we read stories and then fell asleep really fast. Mia has a bear and lamb that she likes to cuddle with when she sleeps, but I like to hold a picture of my favourite food: Onigiri!
Good night!

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