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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Princess Mia: A happy day at Everyday park

It was family day and mummy did my hair just how I wanted. What do you think?

We went for a walk to "Everyday Park". We call it everyday park because we go there everyday. Here we are on the way. All the houses in Kashiwa Village have gardens and red bricks around them.

Here's Chia, walking with her walking stick.

And Amelie too.

Here we all are, walking through the forest. We need our sticks to keep us safe from the animals that might live here.

We found a hill to climb, but Chia and Amelie got all muddy.

On the way home we found a wall to walk on. First it was my turn

Amelie found a puddle

Then Chia's turn
And then I could do it by myself

Amelie wanted to do it by herself too, but she's too small

So she held daddy's hand.

I hope you have a good day.
The End.

1 comment:

Hiki said...

The girls are getting so big! So adorable!