Do you like my hair? It's a bow that mummy did. She also did a bow in
Mia's hair, but not today because its my birthday. She watched a
video and did it in my hair with hairspray!

(Mum: Here's a
smaller version of the bow in Amelie's hair, but as you can see, her hair is bit too short for this style. With Mia's bow I used hairspray when it was done, and it was falling out and a mess by the end of the day. As Chia is a bit more active, I used hair wax, a little gel for the baby hairs, and hairspray at the end. It hardly budged at all.)

I like my pretty pink heart cake

I blew them ALL OUT!

Me and Mia

Amelie waiting patiently

A happy family
OMG!!! Tia's such a princess in these photos she looks awesome.
GR8 to see youes all today. Hope to see you again soon.
Hunter told Josh when he came back that he saw "Iiiia, Iiiiia & Namani" :)
Oooh hooo hoo, that's so cute! I can just see Hunter with that so-pleased-with-himself/ Mr. Charming look on his face. :)
Good to see you all too. Txs for having us over. Amelie now gets the "my friends" blues ;)
Insanely cute!!!! Must visit sometime...
Sucha cuteness!!! I love it!
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