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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mum's post: Craft attack!

The girls are a bit under the weather but we had a lotta fun creating these crafts:

Felt Flowers
Straw Shapes
Sponge Balls

The felt flowers were a real hit with Chia, she liked them so much we made them two days in a row.

At work

The workstation (a.k.a parents bed)

The process

Almost finished product. Click Felt Flowers to see the finished product.

Mia created this girl from felt scraps.

The Sponge Balls are brilliant and EASY! We haven't had a chance to use them yet but we'll let you know what they're like.

Mia likes the Straw Shapes a lot. They're great for older kids and would be fantastic for long trips. Happy crafting!


Babylove said...

oooh, kari, mia's looking pretty grown up there in that 1 pic! Gr8 ideas, you put me to shame!!

Anonymous said...

Al, I didn't think of these... just found 'em online. :)
Check out the links under "Crafty Fun" -they're excellent for craft ideas for almost anything