The story goes something like this:
Our good neighbour friend who is a fantastic cook (not baker) had been talking about his idea of how to make pumpkin pie which went something like: Grate raw pumpkin, mix with butter, cream, sugar and flour and bake.
We would make all the "ehhh" "ei neh" and all those kinds of things that Japanese say when they are encouraging you in something they're not quite sure of or being very polite.
One crisp October day said neighbour presented us with a large "Pumpkin pie". Well, being the good neighbours that we are we proceeded to serve it.
Did I mention that Chia loves pumpkin pie? So much so that she prays we will eat it for breakfast and sings songs which she has composed of her love of it.
So we dished it out & sat down to eat. Chia was the most enthusiastic and quickly shot up a prayer before digging in. One bite and her face changed from pure happiness to pure horror. "That" she announced decidedly "is NOT pumpkin pie!"
The other girls tackled theirs bravely but could not take more than 2 bites. I on my part ate about 1/2 a slice, but that was it.
It would have been ok as a side dish at a meal, but not as a dessert or under the label pumpkin pie. We felt quite bad for our neighbour as it was made with a lot of love, however we discovered that our other neighbours loved it and so rather than trash it we sent the remains of the pie their way.
We thought that was the end of the pumpkin pie episode, but the next week our dear neighbour presented us with another pie -this time pumpkin and sweet potato. We received it with many thanks, and sent it over intact to those who truly enjoyed it.
The end.
Har har har!! GOod one! Nice story too! Though w/ Iv's photography, the last shot looks pretty good.
It does doesn't it. That is proof that looks can be deceiving! Ha ha!
Well, at least now we can reeeaaally appreciate a REAL pumpkin pie (Thanksgiving is coming up, us how it's done!).
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