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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Princess Mia: Oh, Hi

Oh hi there our loved ones,
we were sleeping together and Amelie was holding me. I think Oh, it's pretty neat huh?

We were going on the sled. I thought it was scary at first but then after that I'm not scared any more and Chia isn't scared. Chia wasn't scared the first time. Ok, thats all for that one.

These are pictures of me and Chia riding on the sled, it was really fun! Chia and I thought it was fun, so it all
worked out in the end.

Toneri-koen is finished now and the sakura is out. It's so beautiful and the park is so, so, so big now. Come and visit us and we can see it together!
I love you, bye-bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, cool! They finally finished! Looks great!