Mia Nichelle is...

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Chia Marina is...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Amelie Christine is

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Alisa Oceana is

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Princesses: Help

Mummy used to have a computer but it stopped working before Christmas so now she doesn’t have one and we can’t play math games or watch videos on it anymore. We would really like her to get one so we can use it too.

Mummy has been saving and almost has enough to get one but she still needs some money. Do you want to help?

(Mum:) One reason I don’t update here much is because I no longer have a computer and have been using dearest husbands when he can lend it to me. Thanks to several generous donors, have about 2/3 of the funds for a laptop.

If you could help me at all then we would be so very thankful!

You can donate by clicking here

or via TRF you can send it to “Kari’s Laptop JA068” -Laptop here we come!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Princesses: We love you!

Doing what sisters do best... being silly!

Sack races -whoohoo!

Look at their faces!

Yummy food with Obachan & Ojichan

We went out with Obachan & Ojichan and ate so much food. I ate so much icecream and it tasted really good.

Amelie is wearing a dress for the first time.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Princesses: Good Times, Part 2

On the way to the PEP there were no parks for kids, but we found dog parks. :(
(photo by Mia)

Mia getting out her wiggles after arriving.

Keeping busy with Dawn on the way there...

a peaceful moment

Posing for the cameras

Sharing snacks

Drying our own hair! All clean and ready for bed.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Princesses: One cold February afternoon...

We heard some of our favourite songs and wanted to act them out. We did them all in one take, no practice. Mum propped the camera on a bookshelf, and was a funny man, a BAD wolf, and other people, Amelie was the audience & then we did our thing.

A Man, a boy, and a donkey


Wolf, Wolf!