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Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Princesses: Onigiri's & Man VS Wild

Welcome to Onigiri Making 101

Lay out that cling wrap, sprinkle with water and douse with salt

Add the rice, make a hole in the middle and put your filling in (tuna, umeboshi, etc.)

Squish into a triangular shape... or a ball

Tada! You have an onigiri

Mmm! Good stuff.

If you want a really good tutorial check out this link
and this one
and this one.

jan, ken, poi!

Chia with head back pointing at the sky: "LOOK IT'S MAN VS. WILD'S HELICOPTER! "
Mum: "Oh really?"
"Yes, he's going to land here and go HUNTING!"
"How exciting! Do you want to meet him?"
"Hmmm yes... but mummy, we can't let him IN OUR HOUSE!"
"Why not?"
"Because he will EAT ALL OUR FOOD!"

It turned out the helicopter was checkin' out this smoke column.

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