Mia Nichelle is...

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Chia Marina is...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Amelie Christine is

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Alisa Oceana is

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mum's post: Autumn at the park

Mia reading to Yuichi & Chia
(Chia thinking: Oh boy! How long has THAT been there!)

Taking a break to stretch our legs
(photos by Mia)

Chia & Hunter were dressed the same :)

Chia waiting...

and waiting...

...for Amelie. Such love.

New boots courtesy of my sister and parents. -Thanks HEAPS!

Travis on impact after a jump -we now know what he'll look like as an 80 yr old. ;)

Yuichi is not impressed.

The gang at lunch

Mia getting treatment after she was bitten by a guinea pig.

Hangin' out.
Feeding the monkeys.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Princess Mia: Visiting friends

(M: Mia is into blogging at the moment so I'm leaving everything the way she types -typos and all. Its so cute!)

One time we went to our friends' house and I had alot of fun
Playing drss up with emu and chia and this is the fun part
I was qween and chia was my little girl and emu was to
it was alot of fun but you have to be a good girl or boy

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mum's post: We like crafts

There are some great kiddy craft blogs out there. I've linked to my favourites (see sidebar) andt this this blog is the one we use the most. Most of them are perfect for Chia & Amelie. Chia usually adds more to her pictures, grass, rainbows etc. and Amelie is happy if she can glue something.
Recently we made these cute little guys. Amelie's fave part was the googly eyes -she took them off and glued them on 4 times.

We're reading about Jesus' miracles in the Bible & try to do a corresponding craft after the story. This was a 2 day project. You can see the baskets in an earlier post. I love the face Chia drew the face on her "little lad" it gives him real personality. :)

Amelie posing for the camera.

Girls at play. (Photo by Mia)