Amelie lookin' quite like the bug she's riding on.
Pretty Mia-chan has lost her 3rd tooth.
Notice how Chia isn't looking at the camera? She usually looks away when you ask her to smile.
Little monkeys.
Chia -with 4 arms!
Getting to know the ants and bugs.
First time riding without training wheels... straight off into the sunset.
Time for group shots:
Chia: As she sneaks a sideways glance at less-than-eager-little-sister "Whats wrong with you?"
Amelie: "I don't want to be here!"
Chia: "Aren't I cute!"
Amelie: "Oh sister!"
Chia: "Princess smile!"
Amelie: "Who cares what I look like, just get me outta here."
Chia: "Ta-da!"
Amelie: "Rescue me!"
We later discovered that Amelie was sick. ... and this was the start of a looong off-again on again sickness with her. More on that at a later date.
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