Mia Nichelle is...

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Chia Marina is...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Amelie Christine is

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Alisa Oceana is

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Princess Chia: Big Tummies

Big tummies. Funny Chia!

Funny girls!

Princess Chia: One rainy day...

Daddy came home the night before and the next day it was raining so we put on our raincoats, BOOTS and went out with our umbrellas.

We had Ramen for lunch and later Mia & mummy made pizza for dinner.

We love you daddy! Thank you for the yummy food. XXX!

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Princesses: for Daddy


Mum's post: Personalities

These girls’ personalities are as different as day and night, the only exception being when one starts giggling hysterically which causes the other to join in and they'll go on giggling for ages...

I think these photos show how opposite they are. Mia peels and deseeds her grapes before eating while Chia gobbles them up as fast as she can.

The Princesses: Our new hairstyles


Mia hamming it up for the camera


Look daddy, I can smile for photos now. :)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Princess Chia: Big sister and her kite

Mia got a kite and one warm family day we went to the park to fly it. Daddy made obento for lunch and I really enjoyed the onigiris.

Mia ran and ran, then daddy ran too, but there was no wind so the kite didn't fly very high.

Mia let me have a go and I ran... but the kite didn't go up at all. It was still lots of fun and we were very tired when we came home and both took long naps.

The next day was very windy and cold so we bundled up and went to another park to try again.

This time the kite flew so high that mummy couldn't take a photo of it and Mia was so very happy cos she didn't have to run so much any more.