Mia Nichelle is...

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Chia Marina is...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Amelie Christine is

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Alisa Oceana is

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Princesses: This is the Life!

Here is a clip of the encore dance from our Chritmas musical, with short clips of the musical. Full version coming soon!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Musical

Merry Christmas Everyone!
We've been hard at work doing a Christmas Musical this month, which is one reason you haven't heard or seen anything up here yet.
Here are photos from one of the shows we did. All photos by Daddy!

Mia the fairy
Beautiful ladies (L-R: Ai, Grace, Celeste, Lixy)
The musicians
The MC's
The artist -Yoko Matsuoka

Fairy: You
Bobby (Yuya, a very good actor): ME?

Pretty dancers from a present

Rocker girls: We have a BIG gift for Jesus... Out pops Mia!!!

More gorgeous gifts for Jesus

Surprised Bobby & the end

More music, clowns, and the audience.

The last dance: This is the life, Mia is very enthusiastic about it.

And I'm very tired. Merry Christmas all & a happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Princesses: Good Times


Scrunchy nose girl

This was way back in October, but we just uploaded them onto daddys laptop recently.
We had a great time.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Princesses: Tokyo Sea Life Park

Hi all,
The real reason we havent updated for a long time is cos Mummy's computer broke down a few months ago & we don't have a new one yet. We have a lot of photos, but no way to post them. Boo hoo!

But, our friends sent us these photos recently, from when we all went out to Tokyo Sea Life Park. It was so much fun!

Mia & friends

Daddy doing what he loves

The gang

Princess Chia was enchanted by the sights

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Princesses: been too busy to update!

Hi everyone,
We wanted to let all our fans know that we've been far too busy having fun update the blog this summer, well that and mum was gone for a few weeks so we spent lots of quality time with daddy. He doesn't like blogging though, so now that she's back we've asked her to help us out again. When she came home we celebrated! Here are some photos. Bye bye!

Daddy is so handsome!

Dawn and Chia. Dawn is the best teacher in the whole world!

All of us.

Mum's post: The Sunbeam Club

In September we started a kiddie club called "Sunbeam Club". It's full of games, snacks, dancing, fun and a simple English class to boot. We even have a theme song complete with actions!
Here's Mia & Chia with the other dancers:

Here they are participating in the activities etc.

Below is the flyer for November. Come join us if you like!

-P.S. all the above photos were taken with a keitai :)