I was reading Chia’s current favorite story, Snowflake, with the girls. It’s about a lamb that learns to obey. At one particular part Mia commented: “They must be mummy sheep.”
This is Dawn, she is my favorite teacher and soooooooo much fun to read with. I like story time with her because we act the stories out and she also has a very comfy lap! I LOVE YOU DAWN!
This morning one of the girls baked a delicous cake for someone's birthday. Mia helped herself to the cake while it was cooling down and we had a talk about about taking without asking. She wrote apology notes to the birthday boy and also the cook. I'm quite proud of her for doing it, even though it was difficult for her to do so. She told me tonight that if she ever sees another cake, she will ask before eating it. :)
I like to do craft projects. Thank you Obachan for the fabric paints, I had lots of fun decorating my shirt. Free-san played playdough with me and we made lots of yummy food.